Elevating Electrification Skills for a Thriving UK Future

We enable the understanding of electrification skills aligned with industry needs, offering valuable insights, a reliable benchmark for quality assurance, and facilitating collaboration for a resilient and competitive future.

Our Partners

Collaborate. Align. Accelerate

Electrification Skills Network (ESN) works to collaboratively align industry and skill providers, facilitating the development of a dynamic electrification skills framework, integrating initiatives and accelerating best practices.

ESN is committed to developing electrification skills and capabilities within the UK. Our collaborative and integrated solutions work across diverse sectors, helping industry to address the evolving needs of a skilled workforce.

We serve as a comprehensive reference point for electrification skills, providing the essential connections, guidance and best practices for industry while also contributing to a thriving electrification ecosystem.

ESN is shaping a dynamic roadmap by establishing a framework and facilitating a community through our dedicated forum. We clarify skill requirements, supporting skill and capability development within the workforce, empowering industry and training providers.

Funded by UKRI and energised by Coventry University, ESN's focus is to build a strong, resilient and agile workforce for today, alongside a pipeline of talent and capability to support electrification skills provision for the future.

Who We Serve

Aligning industry, skills providers and accrediting organisations to address the skills needs in the UK, we bring key stakeholders together to create a thriving electrification ecosystem.


We will guide you in identifying your current and future skills needs, signposting best practices and reliable training sources, connecting you with the key stakeholders for meaningful collaboration.

By leveraging our networks and cross-sector expertise, we are your trusted partner on the journey to electrification.

Skills Providers

By working together, we optimise your electrification skills training provision, ensuring it is fully aligned with industry needs.

We provide insight into the latest developments and act as a trusted and reliable benchmark for quality assurance for all your training requirements.


We provide the focus and clarity needed to define the skills and capability requirements for the future of electrification.

We nurture a thriving electrification ecosystem by supporting economic development and helping to drive sector-wide investments for lasting and long term growth.

What We Stand For

Enabling industry to build a skilled and agile workforce, contributing to a thriving electrification ecosystem, the well-being of society and a strong, sustainable future.

Collaboratively aligning industry, accrediting organisations, and skill providers to facilitate the development of a dynamic electrification skills framework, integrating initiatives and accelerating best practices via the delivery of a cross-sector roadmap.

Our Vision

We value collaboration, inclusivity and integrity as the driving force behind our mission to define and develop an effective roadmap for electrification skills.

We assist organisations in skill development and support government initiatives to drive electrification opportunities in the UK.

We assist organisations in skill development and support government initiatives to drive electrification opportunities in the UK.

We assist organisations in skill development and support government initiatives to drive electrification opportunities in the UK.